The Freedom in Jesus Christ – A Blessing For All Who Accept Him As Their Savior

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There is a new revelation coming in the future and it is going to change the whole course of mankind’s life. The Freedom from God and the power of God are coming to an end and there will be no more condemnation for those who live contrary to the will of God. The entire society of God’s people will be spiritually cleansed at the time of Christ and the end of the age will mark the final victory of good against evil. When we as believers move beyond the boundaries of our sin to stand before God with a clean slate, we will see that we are indeed more than conquerors because in Christ we have been conquerors.

When we as believers abide by the commandments of God and move beyond the boundaries of our flesh to move into the realm of purity, then we will find that we are indeed the masters of our destiny because we have yielded unto God our possession and we are indeed free! There is no judgment to them that are in Christ; rather, they are just on the right hand of God who rules over the blessings of his people. Those who are guided by the Spirit of God are indeed the descendants of God and therefore we are always on the right hand of God.

Those who believe in the promises of Jesus Christ and move beyond the means that they are brought into by the Holy Spirit will live in a perfect freedom from whatever kind of evil one might try to bring into their lives. We are not immune to the plans of evil in our lives, but instead of allowing them to control our lives, we are to trust in Jesus Christ and follow his ways. We are then saved from whatever malady that might be placed upon us in life and we are then to move into a life of righteousness. Thus we are given the freedom to perform the works that we are called upon to perform under any circumstances. This is truly the blessing of the freethought life in which we can and should be our own defense against every form of evil and suffering that might come upon us in life.

Photo by ungvar /

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