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Soteriology means “view of salvation” and is related to the doctrine of salvation taught by most religions. It is believed that salvation is a free gift from God and is up to us to use for our good. There are two main theories on soteriology in religion. The first is the idea that salvation is simply an event, a happening that has been accomplished or will be completed within the next lifetime. This view of soteriology in religion is sometimes referred to as “soteriological realism.”

The second main article of faith in religion is that salvation is a free gift of God, but some have no assurance of this. In addition to these two ideas, soteriology in religion also includes a lot of ideas related to man’s relationship with God. One of these ideas is that salvation is exclusively a gift from God and not a work that we can do by our own power. Another related idea is that salvation is a free gift that was given to us by our Lord Jesus Christ. Within the idea of salvation is often placed the idea of grace or free special favor from our Lord Jesus Christ, which is why many people refer to salvation as a special gift from our Lord Jesus Christ.

A main article of faith in religion, soteriology, also includes the idea of free will. Because we cannot control free will, it is important that we understand what it means so that we can choose the right path for ourselves. The main article of faith in religion, soteriology in Calvinism is closely associated with the idea of predestination and divine election. These are the ideas that explain how we are saved. This article of faith in religion, soteriology in Eastern Orthodoxy, soteriology in Calvinism, and soteriology in liberal Christianity all share the idea that salvation is given exclusively by our Lord Jesus Christ.

Photo by Roman RussieseO /

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