Empowering Tutors for Educational Success

Photo by Pixabay.com

Photo by Pixabay.com

Educators have long known that the quality of academic tutoring can have a profound effect on students’ learning outcomes and general success. Recent analysis released by the CDC revealed that students who were connected to caring adults in school had better mental health than those who did not have such connections. While school districts may find it difficult to recruit and train caring adults, they should consider empowering tutors as a crucial part of the educational process.

One way to empower students is through “Show What You Know.” This method requires students to teach what they’ve learned back to them. Re-teaching a concept allows the student to cement it and allow room for higher cognitive tasks. Teachers often let students choose what they wish to teach and how to teach it. For example, a math student may create screencasts of themselves explaining the subject to a classmate.

President Biden is calling on schools to use ARP funds to expand their afterschool programs and high-quality tutoring. These programs are proven pathways that help students catch up on lost learning time, succeed in school, and maintain a positive mental health. The Biden-Harris Administration is investing in this promising program by providing additional 250,000 tutors. The bipartisan effort aims to increase the quality of education in the country by empowering tutors to ensure that every student achieves his or her educational goals

Teacher empowerment is another important component of the system. Teachers are responsible for developing students’ academic skills. Yet they often have little say in the process. Teachers should be invited to participate on action teams to help unleash their students’ potential. In addition to recognizing teachers for their exemplary work, schools should empower them to choose a passion for teaching and pursue their education through professional learning. They should also be encouraged to follow their passions and engage in student-led projects.

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Photo by Pixabay.com

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