Transforming Fear through Faith

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Is your pursuit of God changing you and making you more like Jesus? When you want to grow closer to someone, you try to get to know them better. One way we can grow closer to Jesus is by exploring accounts of His ministry and teachings. In a world that often seems dark or difficult, we may find ourselves facing huge battles with fear and anxiety each day.

Though we know God’s truth and believe in His word, there’s this struggle we can’t seem to shake off, and sometimes we find ourselves trapped right in the mess of it all. Yet reality tells us that so much of what we spend our time worrying about never even happens. Living under the weight of the “what if’s” is a hard place to dwell.

God has words of life – of truth – that He wants to speak straight into our fears and worries. And as we choose to soak them in, meditating on them, and praying them back to Him, we will be changed. We’ll be free from the burden of fear, the weight of worry, and the entanglement of anxiety.

A Bible verses which can carry you through so many difficult and uncertain times is found in Isaiah 41:10. It is the Lord’s very clear reminder to our hearts, not to fear. For He is with us. He is our God. He strengthens us. He helps us. He upholds with His righteous right hand. Nothing in this verse ever says it’s all up to us to make it through somehow. But it assures us that our God who never sleeps or slumbers, is at work, in us, through us, and He promises to hold us up. There’s surely no better, no safer place to be, but to have faith in Him.

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