Three Basic Leadership Qualities

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Leadership traits are usually discussed in terms of strategies and tactics. But the truth is that a leader may adopt any strategy or tactic they feel is appropriate. For instance, there is no such thing as a perfect leader but rather a perfect leader with a good mix of strategy and tactics. Therefore, the qualities of effective leadership also depend upon the style of leadership adopted. But the following leadership characteristics would be universally useful in promoting successful leadership.

First, great leaders exhibit high integrity both in their conduct and in their decision making. Leaders who exhibit high integrity are trusted by their followers. Thus, integrity is an important leadership characteristic that can be used to promote good leadership. Leaders must also take responsibility for their own actions so that they can be held accountable.

Second, great leaders must possess great organizational skills and must be capable of coordinating and leading a group of people in a fashion that is mutually beneficial to all concerned. Organization is crucial to effective leadership and the two are often closely intertwined. Moreover, managers need to respect the subordinates and be responsive to their needs.

Finally, leaders must make decisions with a clear mind that is free from bias and seek to arrive at the best decision in the shortest time. By taking these basic principles into consideration, then it can be said that the three leadership characteristics – integrity, decision making, and organizational skills – are important if you want to succeed as a leader.

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