The Impact of Dress Code and School Rules on Student Performance

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The impact of school rules and dress codes on student performance is a hot topic among public school districts. A study conducted by Sam Houston State University by Jimmy Creel and Angela Stallings, both former educators, finds evidence on both sides of the debate. While the study found no clear-cut evidence for the benefits of a dress code, it does provide evidence for the negative effects of school rules and dress codes on minority students.

The study also found that a dress code imposed on girls from minority backgrounds is more likely to result in suspensions. In fact, black girls were more likely to be suspended from school than their white counterparts. In addition, girls of color were more likely to wear hair extensions, braids, and Afros.

Some schools have reacted to these controversies by adopting more liberal rules regarding dress codes. In addition, some schools have implemented uniform policies, which promote diversity and educational opportunity. However, this does not mean that schools should abandon their dress codes altogether. For example, a dress code in Tulsa does not allow kids to wear bandanas, scarves, or curlers in the school building.

Uniforms and school rules are a good idea for improving a school’s discipline and student performance. Uniforms help students pay attention in class and behave better. It also helps students identify strangers. And, according to researchers, students who wear school uniforms are more likely to behave better.

While some parents argue that a dress code can prevent violence in schools, some studies have found that these policies do not completely eliminate it. One study, conducted by Brock University Associate Professor Dr. Tony Volk, found that mandatory uniforms lowered violent incidents in middle and high schools in Miami-Dade County, Florida (the most violent school in the U.S.). Another study conducted by Texas Southern University found that mandatory uniforms increased disciplinary incidents by 10%.

School rules and dress codes are a major issue among students. Many students are protesting against a dress code at their school. In Kenosha, Wisconsin, a group of female students, known as the Women’s Empowerment Club, took on the dress code.

Despite the controversy, uniforms do seem to help students perform better academically. One study found that middle and high school students showed better attendance when wearing school uniforms. However, the effect was only marginal and did not exceed half a day over the school year. Despite the evidence, however, the impact of the dress code and school rules on student achievement is unclear.

Uniforms are often uncomfortable for students. They can also create psychological barriers to education, particularly among ethnic minorities. In addition, girls’ uniforms tend to be more expensive and can make it harder for them to participate in sports and other physical activities. Furthermore, students may be uncomfortable with the idea of gender-specific dress codes.

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