Regardless of whether students are bullies or victims, bullying has a negative impact on classroom learning. This can include the loss of academic motivation and engagement, lower test scores, and a decrease in self-esteem. For many students, the effects of bullying are long-term. They are not able to pay attention in class or participate in group activities. This can lead to feelings of sadness, anxiety, and depression. This is why it is important to understand the long-term effects of bullying on both students and schools.
Researchers have found that children who are bullied score worse on standardized tests than students in schools with effective anti-bullying programs. It is also estimated that 1 in 3 children have been bullied at least once in the past 30 days. This is a serious concern for both children and schools, as it can cause children to miss school, develop mental health issues, and perform poorly in their academic studies.
It is also important to understand the role of motivational factors in the relationship between bullying and academic achievement. The cognitive-motivational theory, which is supported by self-determination theory, suggests that the involvement of a child in bullying may adversely affect his or her academic performance. This effect is mediated through students’ perceptions of victimization. As a result, educational interventions should target decreasing victimization and increasing student motivation.

The studies that examined the effects of bullying on academic achievement included data from teachers, parents, children, and peers. The majority of these studies relied on children’s reports. However, a few studies used mixed informants. Several studies did not report motivational or cognitive factors. The studies that did report motivational or cognitive factors were significant, whereas those that reported no motivational or cognitive factors were not.
The most consistent finding from the studies was that there was a negative correlation between bullying and students’ academic achievement. In particular, studies that looked at moderate and chronic bullying found that their involvement had a greater negative effect on students’ academic achievement than did studies that did not look at bullying. These studies found that, on average, a student who had been involved in bullying for a year or more suffered significantly lower academic results than did children who had not experienced bullying. These studies also showed that a one-point increase in peer victimization was associated with a 0.44-unit reduction in the GPA of the child.
Another study found that students who had been bullied in elementary school had a higher chance of not performing as well in middle and high school as their classmates who did not experience bullying. The study also found that a student who was bullied in third grade was more likely to not perform as well in fifth grade as his or her classmates who did not experience bullying.

There are numerous ways to address the negative consequences of bullying, including training teachers in how to recognize the signs of bullying and how to react. Students who have been bullied are usually shy about discussing the issue with their parents or friends. It can be difficult to help children overcome bullying, but proper support and education can make a big difference.
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