In today’s world, a Christian’s mission is to make disciples of all nations (Matthew 28:19). Discipleship is an essential way to fulfill this calling to spread the gospel and make Jesus known to the world. As Christian leaders, it is our responsibility to equip and train believers to make disciples for the Lord. At Exodus University, we believe in providing discipleship education that is both rigorous and engaging. Our courses are designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the Bible and its relevance to everyday life. Our discipleship courses include biblical studies, Christian worldview, practical discipleship, and spiritual formation. We emphasize the importance of living out the teachings of Jesus in our daily lives, and our courses are geared towards helping students grow in their faith and become better disciples of Jesus. Through our courses, students become equipped to serve God in their everyday lives and to become better disciples of Jesus.

Here are some strategies for discipleship to help you do this effectively:
Prayer for the Lord of the Harvest
The first step in effective discipleship is to pray for the Lord of the Harvest. This means to ask God to bring people into your life who are ready and willing to be discipled. The Bible tells us that He hears our prayers and will answer them (Matthew 21:22). We must faithfully pray for the Lord of the Harvest in order to see the fruit of our labor in the lives of those we disciple.
Every Christian is a Missionary
Another way to effectively disciple is to remind yourself and those you disciple that every Christian is a missionary. We are all called to share the gospel with those around us and make disciples of Jesus. This means that our mission should be to reach out to the lost, the broken, and the hurting with the love of Jesus. We should strive to be a witness of the gospel in our everyday lives and to show God’s love to those around us. We can also encourage those we disciple to do the same.
Make Everyone a Disciples to Jesus
Another important strategy for discipleship is to focus on making disciples of Jesus. This means that we should strive to help people grow in their faith by teaching them the Word of God, studying the Bible with them, and encouraging them to apply what they learn in their lives. We should help them understand the importance of having a personal relationship with Jesus and help them to become more like Him.
Incorporate Them into the Local Church
We must also remember to incorporate those we disciple into the local church. This means that we should help them find a church home and get plugged into local ministries. This is important because the local church is where Christians can be discipled, grow in their faith, and be equipped to fulfill the Great Commission.
Send Them Out
Finally, we must remember to send those we disciple out into the world. This means that we must equip and prepare them for the mission field, so that they can go out and share the gospel with others. We must also encourage them to stay connected to the local church and continue to be discipled, so they can remain strong in their faith even when they are away.

Discipleship is an important part of the Christian life and essential to fulfilling the Great Commission. We must faithfully use the strategies mentioned above to help equip and train believers to make disciples of Jesus. By praying for the Lord of the Harvest, taking an every-Christian-is-a-missionary approach, making people disciples to Jesus, incorporating them into the local church, and sending them out, we can effectively reach the world for Christ.
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