Resources For Educators Trying to Stay Afloat

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Educators in a state where budget cuts are slashing state funding are looking for resources to stay afloat. Many educators are finding that they are asked to travel between classrooms, dividing their time between several schools. Floating teachers are hired to teach core academic classes as well as some specialty classes. New teachers are especially vulnerable to burnout and turnover, as they have just begun their careers. The best way to help them stay afloat is to develop a wellness plan that includes regular check-ins, whether they are quick classroom visits or more structured meetings.

In addition to frequent check-ins, educators should encourage mentorships. One resource that Californian teachers can tap is the California King Tides Project. This organization offers resources for teachers, including a sea-level rise education curriculum. Teachers can also apply to their district’s WHALE TAIL(r) Grants Program, which funds projects to promote coastal and marine education. The deadline to apply is in the fall.

Educators can easily access a number of free educational resources for teachers on the Internet, including games, videos, and online learning communities. PhET, for example, provides interactive science and math simulations designed to engage students in a game-like environment. The site is extremely comprehensive, offering thousands of activities and lessons for teachers and students alike. Other online educational resources for teachers include Quizlet, which offers a treasure trove of resources for students and teachers alike. The site offers four series of video lessons on various subjects, as well as handouts for parents and educators.

Teachers may be overwhelmed by the amount of online resources available, making it difficult to choose the best ones for their classroom needs. However, the best free websites for teachers offer treasure troves of educational content created by fellow educators. These websites provide practice exercises, supplementary materials, and EdTech tools to help teachers improve their classroom efficiency.

Teachers and students can also use apps for creating educational resources. Ematico, for example, is an online learning community that connects classrooms around the world. With live video, file sharing, and partner classroom, teachers can collaborate with students using this platform. They can also use the tool to share student performance data.

Educators can also find free resources that help them engage students in the best ways possible. The Folger Shakespeare Library, for example, offers educational resources for teachers. It has over 25,000 e-books and multimedia tools, which are perfect for teachers. The website also includes lesson plans for teachers with an emphasis on science and technology. The site even allows schools to access an extended free trial if they have a hard time implementing these resources.

Another excellent resource for teachers is Google. Not only is it an essential tool for finding educational materials, it can also be used to develop new lesson plans and classroom ideas. The company has compiled a list of 40 free resources for teachers. These resources cover everything from games to lesson plans to creative tools. Teachers can also share the resources with one another on Share My Lesson.

The National Geographic website is also a great source for educators. It offers a space for teachers to connect, share strategies, and celebrate success. Teachers can easily explore the website through its free educational links, which take students on a virtual world tour. The site also includes fun facts, videos, maps, infographics, and interactive activities.

Science Kids is another excellent source for free educational resources for teachers. A variety of educational videos are available on the website, including videos that teach about astronomy and space. The site also features Science News for Kids, which gives parents and kids concise news coverage of all fields of science on a daily basis. For young learners, there is STEM From the Start, which features educational videos designed to engage children.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are freely available and can be modified by users. The open licenses make it possible to remix, reuse, and share the work. OERs have also made their way into academic publications.

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