Models of classroom management have many strengths and weaknesses. Some methods emphasize the importance of standards and discipline, while others focus on the emotional needs of students. In the former category, the emphasis is more on establishing relationships with students. In contrast, the latter approach emphasizes the importance of having a positive attitude and communicating expectations clearly.
Behavior modification models are often very directive and involve identifying and measuring behavioral problems. Then, antecedents and consequences are adjusted accordingly. Punishment may also be part of the process. However, the best way to deal with behavioral problems is through dialogue. This involves asking students to think about what they did and why they did it. In addition, teachers should listen to students more than they talk to them.
A typical model of classroom management focuses on the establishing of strong routines and assigning appropriate consequences for poor behavior. Regardless of the chosen method, the key is to motivate students to follow rules and achieve goals. Extrinsic motivation involves external rewards such as praise or candy, while intrinsic motivation is the desire students have within themselves to achieve a goal.
Effective classroom management can make learning easier for students. Students need to be able to understand rules and expectations, so teachers must clearly communicate them. Students and teachers should also work in collaboration and develop a relationship. The teacher should also be assertive in resolving any issues. Any negative behavior must have consequences. The relationship between the teacher and students is an important part of classroom management. Teachers and students should have open communication about personal interests.
Models of classroom management should involve engaging activities for students to engage them in the lessons and avoid conflict. They should also include procedures for dealing with off-task behavior. When a student is engaged in positive activity, the teacher should encourage and praise them. This will help them improve their academic and behavioral performance.
Classroom management is an ongoing process that can involve a lot of different moving parts. Models of classroom management are structured approaches that package classroom organization and interaction techniques. The following table lists the different models of classroom management and identifies which of the Big Five have been addressed in each model. One model has been credited as addressing all five of these Big Five, while another is credited with addressing one or more.
Assertive Discipline is another model of classroom management that is popular with teachers. It emphasizes cooperation and authority in students and is the most widely used classroom management training program. This model is easy to implement and requires the cooperation of both the teacher and the students. It also requires consistency, fairness, and follow-through.
A well-designed rubric is an effective way to evaluate a teacher. It gives school administrators a clear picture of the process and allows them to see extra details in the classroom. Observing a teacher in action is also time-consuming, and it can influence an observer’s impression of a teacher.
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