How Blended Learning Approach Affects Student’s Performance

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This article will examine how a blended learning approach affects a student’s performance. What is a blended learning approach? This type of learning approach involves a combination of online and in-person course components. There is no single optimal degree of blending; it depends on the type of course, student, and program. The ideal blend will depend on the degree of didactic presentation and active engagement activities. Better understanding of blended learning may lead to more effective implementations and explain mixed findings concerning the relative effectiveness of this approach.

This study compared the performance of students taking a blended learning approach to students completing a traditional learning approach. The students’ performance was significantly higher in the blended learning semester compared to their baseline counterparts. The effect of blending the two learning approaches was 6.12 for repeated measures and 0.14 for partial e2. In addition, follow-up testing revealed that students in the blended learning semester performed better on Exams 1 and 2 than on the baseline semester.

The study also examined the student’s feedback about a blended learning approach. The responses were coded into feedback categories based on the content and were not exclusive. That is, students’ comments could belong to multiple outcome categories. In addition, the results of two closed-ended course evaluation items were compared using linear regression. The outcomes were the course evaluation score and semester. The students’ responses were analyzed for differences in course performance based on the level of engagement and the relative importance of the online and in-class components.

While the blended learning approach can be challenging for veteran teachers, it can also help the student perform better. The main benefits of this approach include increased engagement and satisfaction. Blended learning is a method that integrates face-to-face and online resources. It also allows students to access computer-based and mobile learning resources. And if implemented correctly, it can significantly increase academic performance. This study is just one of many examples of how blended learning affects student performance.

The researchers have also analyzed the relationship between student engagement with different learning activities and performance on final exams. The results show that student engagement with blended learning and final exam performance are associated. However, future studies are needed to determine the relative impact of these two types of learning. It should also be noted that the authors declare no potential conflicts of interest and did not receive financial support for the study. While their research is ongoing, there is considerable potential for this method to help educators create effective online learning resources.

This study has demonstrated that BL is effective in promoting visual cues and educational concepts. Moreover, it promotes student engagement in learning activities. The research team also found a significant difference between students in the experimental and control groups on the motivation scale. In contrast, the experimental group students performed better than the students in the control group who were taught through traditional methods. The researchers note that student engagement and motivation are highly dependent on the teacher’s style. The more students can engage in learning, the more likely they are to participate in their studies.

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