Hope in the Lord: Finding Comfort and Security in His Unfailing Love and Full Redemption

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Photo by Pixabay.com

Today’s devotion is based on Psalm 130:7, which says, “O Israel, put your hope in the Lord, for with the Lord is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.”

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In this verse, the psalmist reminds us of the importance of putting our hope in the Lord. When we face difficult times, it can be tempting to turn to other sources of comfort or security. We might look to our own abilities, or the support of friends and family. But the psalmist encourages us to put our hope in the Lord, who is the source of unfailing love and full redemption.

What does it mean to put our hope in the Lord? It means that we trust in his goodness, his power, and his faithfulness. It means that we rely on him to guide us, protect us, and provide for us. It means that we seek his will and his ways, even when things don’t go as we had hoped or planned.

The good news is that when we put our hope in the Lord, we can be confident that he will not let us down. He is a God of unfailing love, who is always ready to forgive us, to restore us, and to embrace us with his grace. And he is a God of full redemption, who has the power to make all things new, to bring healing to our brokenness, and to give us a hope and a future.

So today, let us take the psalmist’s words to heart. Let us put our hope in the Lord, and trust in his unfailing love and full redemption.

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