Education Technologies to Change Learning in Two Decades

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The penultimate use of education technologies occurs when students shift from knowledge consumers to knowledge producers. Traditionally, student inquiry and research take the form of printed reports and oral presentations. With advances in computer technology, students can present their findings in digital images and word-processed documents. Local media fairs are a great example of how students can use new knowledge representations. These presentations often include original digital images, overheads, and multimedia projects.

Video content has been found to be particularly beneficial for learning and teaching. It makes content comprehensible and improves student outcomes, and also helps reduce teacher workload. Another educational technology that has the potential to change learning is blockchain. This technology, which is based on the distributed ledger system, can increase data storage by spreading data across many computers. Because it is decentralized, it can facilitate multiuser collaboration, virtual conversations, and content creation.

Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality (AR) have radically changed the classroom experience. This technology is driven by a growing demand for experiential learning. VR and AR create an enhanced view of a real image, which can help students understand difficult concepts. These technologies are also useful in medical training courses, as they allow students to simulate real surgeries in a low-risk environment. Further, these technologies will enable teachers to evaluate student work and identify any inconsistencies.

Technology integration has become a major trend in education. Many primary schools now provide each student with a laptop, and many undergraduates also use tablets to complete coursework. They also want content delivered to their smart phones. Previously, mobile devices were only substitutes for textbooks, but now they are transforming learning. By enabling students to access online courses, teachers can provide multimedia content and allow them to learn at their own pace and place.

The rapid growth of computers and access to the Internet sparked a debate on the needs of the new computer-literate generation of learners. The new generation of computer-literate students is often referred to as a “digital native,” and these technological advancements have spurred debates regarding their learning style and the appropriate use of unfamiliar educational resources in classrooms. In this context, new educational materials are a vital resource for teachers.

The introduction of educational technologies is challenging for teachers who do not feel competent using the technology. A teacher’s self-conception, anxiety, and gender all influence their attitude toward using educational technology. However, teachers can overcome this challenge by receiving training in educational technology. This is a very exciting time to be a teacher in this century. The field of educational technology is growing at a rapid pace and the benefits are many.

Early research on these technologies were closely related to the development of visual communication, and researchers were keen to understand how television could improve learning. Researchers such as Salomon and Anderson (1972) were eager to study television use in learning and tried to apply filming techniques as a substitute for traditional ways of communicating ideas.

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