Course Description:

The World Civilization course is a comprehensive exploration of global civilization, bringing students closer to archeological finds and geological evidence that support our understanding of the world’s past. This course takes students on a journey around the world, uncovering the origins and development of major civilizations. It examines strategies employed by nations to defend against various threats, both natural and man-made. Through detailed explanations, students gain insight into the reasons why countries have followed particular paths throughout history. By delving into these topics, students develop a deep appreciation for the complex factors that have shaped our world and gain a comprehensive understanding of the forces that have influenced the course of civilization.


Exodus University offers educational programs designed for spiritual leaders who desire to be equipped and trained for effective Christian ministry.

Great Commission

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.

Jesus Christ
Matthew 28:19 (NIV)


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